Development Concern Society (DECOS) is an NGO dedicated to Human rights, peace building, community development established in 2004 (2061 BS). After getting duly registered in district administration office of Rolpa with the vision of promoting integrated efforts for creating social, economic, cultural and physical development of the people, in the same year DECOS acquired affiliation from Social Welfare Council Kathmandu. It works with the mission to enable people with working with in multi-fold development approach DECOS has primarily selected the Rolpa, which is one of the remote and socio-culturally highly vulnerable district and also of Nepal. The economic set-back of the district also requires an effective NGO intervention. However, we are gradually expanding our project areas over Lumbini Province and thinking gradually to expand broadly over other districts with the increased institutional capacity of an organization, identifying project as per need and demand of vulnerable population and also with relying Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). DECOS is a non political and non-profit making independent social organization and perform here as a common platform of emerging youth development activists in the grass-roots of Nepal. DECOS strength is highly recognized as successful NGO able to work in best coordination with governmental and non-governmental development agencies and holds very pertinent experiences to implement technical and social mobilization activities in result oriented community development projects. Capabilities of DECOS can be attributed to the spontaneity of its organization.
Despite of that, it has affiliation even with the in land revenue office Tulshipur, Dang and is members of several other concern network i.e NGO Federation Nepal, Association of Youth Organization of Nepal, Federation of Renewable Energy NGO Nepal, National Entrepreneurship Development Centre (NEDC), Nepal. Having more than hundred members and a working committee comprising of 9 members DECOS covers all its members inclusively in the mid western region. With the support from donors and the local people, DECOS has been carrying out various social development activities since its inception. The activities includes natural resource management, sustainable agricultural development, natural resource based micro-entrepreneurship development, social mobilization, community based infrastructure development, new and alternative technology based programs of energy, health, human rights and good governance and conservation education, literacy etc regarding beneficiaries by increasing transparency and accountability in the delivery of project benefits. Considering the target beneficiaries most of them are from backward communities including women, dalits, ethnics groups, unemployed youths, conflict affected families and their surroundings including other deprived communities. Moreover, DECOS has district/local level authorized letter from District Administrative Office Dang, Pyuthan, Salyan and Rukum districts and various projects in Rapti zone. Please see below for the good details.
- Date of Registration: 2061/02/24 BS, 2004/06/06 AD
- Registration number/Place:
65, District Administration Office, Rolpa
Other affiliations:
- Affiliated to Social Welfare Council
- Member-NGO Federation
- Member-Association of Youth Organizations of Nepal (AYON)
- Member- Federation of Renewable Energy NGO Nepal
- Member-National Entrepreneurship Development Center (NEDC)
- Permanent Account Number (PAN/VAT)
301727444 (Inland Revenue Office, Ghorahi, Dang)
PAN Registration: February 14, 2005
VAT Registration: May 09, 2010
- Other online registration(s)
E.C Padour Number: NP-2009-BNB-0806307955
USAID D-U-N-S Number: 55-776-9513
- Existing policy(s)
- Organizational constitution- 2061 with revision 2063.
- Financial Policy 2062 with revision 2079.
- Admin Policy- 2062 with revison 2079
- Financial Policy- 2062 with revison2079
- Organizational 5 Years Strategy Plan- 2076-2080
- Information and Communication Policy -2064
- Child Protection Policy -2070
- Good governance policy -2073
- Anti corruption policy-2073
- Partnership policy -2073
- Property operational and management policy-2074
- Cost sharing policy-2074
- Safeguarding Policy-2080
- Working Area

DECOS Working Area
7. Office Address
Head Office
Rolpa Municiplity, Ward no. 4, Liwang, Rolpa
Phone No: 086-440148, Fax: 086-440148
Cluster Office
Ghorahi Sub-metropolitan, Ward no. 15, Bharatpur Dang
Contact No: 9857822148
8. Contact person
Dev Bahadur Oli, Chairperson
Mobile No: +977-9868665505