June 19, 2018

Current Programs

Current projects and programs:

1. Project/Program Name Youth Participation in Local Governance of Rolpa
Donor USAID-CSM / The Asia Foundation Nepal
Start Date March 2024
End date April 2025
Budget Awarded   NPR. 5,117,727.33
Implementing District  5 Palika of Rolpa (Rolpa Municipality, Runtigadhi, Triveni, Madi and Sunilsmriti RM)
Goal and Objectives ·         To enhance youth leadership and advocacy skills to enable effective lobbying for youth-related policy reform and plans at the local level.

·         To address societal concerns by facilitating youth participation and leadership in the democratic and development process.

·         Strengthen youth networks and contribute to their institutional development.

Activities ·         Establishment of Youth Network by formation and reformation of youth network

·         Strengthen of Youth Networks through enhance the skills in leadership, advocacy, and human rights training to youth.

·         Institutional Development of Youth Networks support by policy formation, management, and implementation process.

·         Engagement of Youth in Community Awareness and Implementation through discussion events with local governments, media, CSOs, and stakeholders, where they will openly discuss regarding such pressing social issues and jointly will make implementation plan.

Specific target group Youth People aged 16-40 including woman, PWD and marganilzed group
No. of beneficiaries In Progress
2. Project/Program Name  Transforming the Cookstove Market in Nepal
Donor Livelihoods Fund Venture
Start Date October 2022
End date June 2027
Budget Awarded  NPR. 10,518,407 /- (Current Contract)
Goal and Objectives  Facilitate & access to the people for sustainable clean cooking stove market-promotion of Tier-3 stoves and strengthening of cook stove market supply chain.
Implementing District Rolpa, Rukum-east, Pyuthan, Palpa, Gulmi & Arghakhachi district-31 Palika.
Specific Target Group Women including Dalit and Janajati communities.
No. of Beneficiaries 37500 + Households
Impact of Activities ·         Raise awareness and affordability

·         Enhance the adoption and sustained use

·         Build the capacity of last-mile distributors

3. Project/Program Name Community Trail-bridge Support
Donor Local Level Government, Trail bridge Support Unit (TBSU)/HELVETAS  Nepal
Start Date August 2007
End date November 2024
Budget Awarded NRs. 20-25 Lakh Yearly /- (Only Social and Technical Mobilization cost only)
Activities Identify bridge needs, survey, design, estimate, UC formation, UC management training, supporting record management of UC, technical support on trail bridge construction, technical completion reporting of the bridges, post-completion supports
Specific target group People living in rural and remote village who are prone to river-crossing dangers
No. of beneficiaries 8600 Households
Impact of activities Since 2007, almost 80 community trail bridge projects are completed in Rolpa district. This has resulted easy access to market, school, service centers and farming activities to the rural poor people of project communities. It has increased social acceptance of DECOS among the rural villages
4. Project/Program Name Safer Migration (SaMi) Program
Donor Government of Nepal and the Government of Switzerland/Helvetas Nepal
Start Date November 2019
End date July 2024
Budget Awarded 1 Crore/ Yearly renew.
Goal and Objectives Improve foreign employment governance and the protection of migrants and their families.
Implementing District Rolpa Municipality, Paribartan and Sunilsmriti Rural Municipality
Specific Target Group Migrant employment workers and their family members
No. of Beneficiaries 6000+ People
Impact of Activities 1.    Access to foreign employment related information through migrant resource center-DAO, community mobilization, door to door service and meeting/workshop.

2.    Free skill training related to foreign employment.

3.    Access to justice for persons and family related with foreign employment.

4.    Psychosocial counseling to affected persons and family related with foreign employment.

5.    Financial literacy to remittance receiving family members.

5. Project/Program Name SAMUNNATI -Building climate adaptive farming opportunities and improved livelihoods for women and marginalised groups in Nepal
Donor UKAID/Practical Action Nepal
Start Date January 2022
End date December 2024
Budget Awarded 135,435,820/-
Goal and Objectives Support to reduction extreme poverty less than 5% till 2030 as per SDG goal of Nepal government in Lumbini Province.

1.    Agriculture production of 5 sub sector (Vegetable, Dairy, Goat, Mandarin and walnut)

2.    Acess to market through PMSD

3.    Enterprise development through 4 sectors (Agri business, livestock, off farm skill base and NTFP)

4.    Access to affordable financial service

5.    Women empowerment and reduce druagery

Implementing District Dang district- Dangisharan and Shantinagar RM

Rolpa district- Runtigadhi, Triveni, Paribartan and Thabang RM

Rukum East district- Bhume and Putha Uttarganga RM

Specific Target Group 80% Woman, marganilized group including persons with disability (PWD).
No. of Beneficiaries 6000 HHs (5500 Agriculture + 500 Enterpreise development)
Impact of Activities ü  Enrolled 224 climate field school and mobilization with various climate field school module.

ü  Total 5663 HHs benefited from improved regenerative agriculture practice and technologies promoted including 272 Persons with disabilities

ü  Total 1127 farmers prepared improved compost manure.

ü  Total 169 bio liquid manure (jhol mal) and 165 Bio pesticide prepared.

ü  Installed 35 Vermicompost in project area for regenerative agriculture practice.

ü  Project prepared also 81 Bokashi manure and 74 Bio char and 7 Compost tea for regenerative practice and safe food.

ü  Project trailed and Introduced 5 climate resilience varieties and adopted by farmers in coming season.

ü  Legume cropping, mix cropping and intercropping practice in the climate field school

ü  Vulnerability and capacity assessment, preparation and implementation of climate

ü  Project completed 73 Irrigation schemes including solar lift, MIT, pond, canal and electric lifting system.

ü  Formed and mobilize of palika level agriculture network for their rights and duty of farmers.
